News from this week:
-Our numbers are awful. It's
always like that right around Christmas. Everyone is eager for us to call them
in January.
-President wants us to ask
for emails at every possible opportunity but seems unaware that people a)
haven't an email in the first place (this whole internet thing is just a fad
anyway) or b) don't give out their emails period. Especially here...bankers and
lawyers and all sorts of people. I might get a little desperate and steal companies'
business cards and email to them. :)
-The high street is totally
mad. I think I've successfully posted everything I need to, so I can avoid the
post office. Brings a whole new dimension to the phrase GOING POSTAL. But these
English really know how to do window displays and they bring out brass bands at
Christmastime to play We Three Kings and Hark the Herald Angels Sing. Feel the
-The weather held...despite everyone
saying our flight would be cancelled, we made it to Surrey for the Christmas
conference with the Guernsey elders...they
haven't been off the island for months.
-I got parcels at the temple
this week! In my impatience I opened it all early, but now I've got a stocking
and Lands End to keep me warm :)
-Our skit at the Christmas
Conference was akin to Harry Potter 4 when the weird French school (Jersey
sisters) and Russian school (Guernsey elders)
come to see the zone leaders for a district meeting in the flesh. It was well
funny, and we even procured the soundtrack at the library when HMV didn't have
any HP music whatsoever. (I can't wait to come home and shop at Walmart, FYE,
and Kohls.)
-I was on the winning team
for all three games at the ward Christmas party--Blind Pictionary, Catchphrase,
and Toilet Paper Mummy.
-There were tons of
nonmembers there, less-actives, and I got to spend the evening with the
Mackenzies who declared that I was not like other sister missionaries (I don't
know how I feel about that), but apparently I'm not shy, quiet, demure, or
anything like Jonutz or Fekete. I think that's what this ward needs--two bubbly
American girls to make them think postive, darnit. I wonder what it would've
been like if Christensen and Housley had served here together...hmm...
-We've successfully lost the
bike keys, me the first, and Christensen the second. In her strength, Sister
Fekete managed to break the tops off both of them, so they were an inch long
and itty bitty. Happily we've got more bike locks in the flat, so all will be
Speaking of Sister Fekete
(from Hungary ),
she goes home at the end of January and she spent half her mission here
(President must have forgot about her. Nine months in one area? Sister Housley
is looking at the same ordeal, but at least she sees other missionaries each week).
When she ended up in Exeter , an old injury
flared up and they had to move her close to London to get operated on. But after weeks of
crutches, she's walking! Hooray! That's so cool that Elder Ryan Miller (from
Stanwood) knew who she was--she's super quiet and super sweet and everyone in Jersey loved her.
Remember why we have
Christmas so you don't go crazy! I might be able to email on Boxing Day, but
maybe not. Everything will likely be closed until Wednesday the 28th. Why, the
world may never know. I love you all! I've only got 10 months left, so I better
get busy!
Love from,
Sister Willard
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