So we went tracting with the youth on Wednesday. It was dark, rainy and windy; none of the leaders showed, we ran out of cars, and our little men and women looked terrified. We armed them with pass-along cards, leaflets, and surveys with questions like, "If God still spoke to us today, would you care about what He said? (yes/no/other)" maps, and divided them up into groups. Me and Housley split up and took one side of the street. My little deacons were so scared--I did nothing as they did their first house, and I was so proud! They said after that, it was easy. I agree. I've been doing a lot better talking to people on the streets, because the only other option is teaching less-actives, and I want to do that as little as possible. We got a bunch of referrals, but the best part of the night: Joe (prospective missionary), Primary Valiant Luke and Jarome (bit autistic) went off knocking in a group. After tagging cars with cards, they knocked into this one house and announced who they were. The lady said, "Oh, I'm sorry, we're Jehovah's Witnesses." Jarome turned around and walked away ("Shame," he said, matter-of-fact), leaving Joe and Luke standing on the doorstep. Made my whole night.
Other cool happenings:
-My very first Zone Conference! We discussed Shamo's rogue plan for member missionaries to get involved to double the active membership in Europe in just a few years. We also discussed using time wisely and what a perfect week looks like. We also learned that sisters are way better planners than elders (we only need to be out 18 months, rather than 24--this is why).
-I won a lot of respect from my district after some 5 minutes of heroic frisbee-playing last pday.
-At conference, Shamo announced to everyone that Elder Paraso (in my district) was a pro wrestler. And then, looking at me because I was in the front row (?), he said, "Have you felt his arms? They're like steel!" And I, the ever-confused, said, "Why are you telling ME this?" Housley died.
-We did this fantastic hike around Portland, absolutely beautiful, scrambling over rocks and seeing pirate graveyards and caves; mental note, to do at a future date WITH a future date :)
-Sunday we had 6 investgators come to church (we were expecting 8 as well!), which is the most in the zone, apparently. We didn't do much besides pick up Shirley, who's a solid new investigator we picked up the other week. She's got a lot of PofS questions, but teaching is slow-going because it's a lot for her to soak up.
-Knocked into this Fijiian family...3 new investigators at once! We taught the first and they were STOKED to hear they could be descended from BofM peoples. (Sometimes you say something, and then think, "Why did I bring that up?" This was one of those experiences.) So cool! I hope they don't get anti'd or something mad.
-The Whytes need to quit smoking, then they're set for baptism. Steve has gone a whole week without, and Leigh's mum from the ward. I'm so proud of them all!
-They also don't have apple cider or Reese's here. It's a travesty. I ate dog for the first time.
Anyways, such a rad week. The Lord has blessed our hard work, and we've made a goal to do better daily contact with all our investigators, so we don't lose them in transit. It's hard in a place that's so far-flung, but the weather's held up real nice. I'll have to send pictures soon--the library's computers are archaic. Thanks for compiling this package so quickly! I'm excited to add a little more spice to the bland comfort food here--these Brits don't know what they're missing. At least they've got curry. Thanks for still writing me and such--keep going to church, give the missionaries referrals and volunteer for teaches!
Okay, it was a hot dog. Missionaries shouldn't lie.
Love from,
Sister Willard
They have Reese's at Tescos- keep looking!