Monday, June 6, 2011

Weymouth News!

Dear fam,
So, first order of business, our baptism totally fell through. She got interviewed on Sunday by one of the former elders who taught her (Portsmouth), and then totally dropped off the face of the earth. Work and work and not answering our calls. Elder Carter was this close to coming down to Weymouth and baptizing her, but we gave him the red light. We haven't seen or heard from her since two Fridays ago. You're hot then you're cold, you're yes then you're no...the Lord talks about temperature in Revelation. Hmm. We'll see what we can do anyways.
Regardless, we've got three new investigators: Melissa, 15, Seventh Day Adventist, brought her friend and little sister to our teach in the Dorchester Starbucks. Calling her, she's like, "Oh, hey! I'm so excited to meet with you later!" Pretty much awesome. Then there's Victoria, 16, who's friends with members and was taught by Elder Lang and Carter. We knocked, and she said, "I was waiting for them to come back, and they didn't." Sad panda. But we are HERE to save the DAY! So exciting! And then there's Karina, mid-twenties, from Manchester. She's Catholic, but definitely open-minded. Talking to her about Joseph Smith, she could really relate and sees the need for a prophet on the earth. We spoke to her yesterday and had the coolest lesson. She asked, "Do you ever feel like you should do something, even though it goes against everything?" Absolutely. I'm so excited for all three of them to feel the Spirit when we're there and find out this is the real deal.
The Zone leaders came over yesterday and dedicated Weymouth for missionary work. The part I remember most was Elder Roe commanding Satan to depart, so that he will not have hold on the hearts of these people. So awesome. It looks like President Shamo is trying some new things with the areas, to get the baptizing up even more. I'm excited for the miracles in June--it's something where you begin to expect them, not take them for granted, but if you expect a miracle each day, you begin to see them everywhere, like they've always been there. Like yesterday, we were running to catch a bus, which totally drove off without us. It was raining and I was nursing a blister, so we trudged off to our teach (late), when a car pulled up and said, "Hey, I can't BELIEVE that bus drove off! Do you need a lift somewhere?" Just this cute family with two little girls. So grateful, we climbed in, gave them our card, and went off to teach, once again convinced that God loves us. Another phone call right after the heroic teach, and we would break our fast at a members' home :) Soup does get a bit old compared to English roasts, that's for sure.
Other fun things: We definitely knocked into the Austrian Olympic Sailing Team yesterday--will they join the Church? Only time can tell. In one day we were hugged (Dorchester: We walked into a music store looking for a ukulele, and the owner grabbed us and announced, "My girls! These are some brave, brave girls!" (Sister Housley: "It's like coming home!") before telling us that Brother Dadds taught him at school decades ago and he is eternally grateful and would be a member if he weren't so involved in CofE), kissed (directions given us by a man who definitely have wine-tears in his eyes) and approached ("Where is Poland?" That guy stared at my poor trainer's tag and announced, "SEESTER." He staggered off, to our relief.) According to Brother Hopcroft, a lot of the mental institutions don't have enough funding, and are forced to release the residents into society. Weymouth is one such place. For the most part, we can see them coming from a mile away, but Sister Housley can't smell alcohol until I point it out, which has led to some very awkward conversations contacting. Happily every single normal person we've met is so polite and I can't help but think that they would help us out if we got into a tight spot. Attacking Sister missionaries is like attacking nuns. Or the ice cream man. Who would attack the ice cream man? Sister Housley is the epitome of charming, so we've got at least a squadron of gruff biker types who would definitely save the day if things got rough. 
It's been so hot lately, and then cold and rainy again. Strange. England's weather is like Utah, like a six-year-old girl. Leave the flat without a coat and it will be torrential rain. It's been so great in Weymouth! We're headed to the temple tomorrow to stay over and do a session on Wednesday. That's like three p-days in a row! Crazy! I'm excited for training; President called and said he got a letter from my mother, which was so cute. He's such a hands-on kind of leader, does splits with the elders all over the mission (Guernsey this last week) and gets to see the work firsthand. I'm glad we've got him, at least until the last three months I'm here. Even if that president won't send us to London for our last mission day, it won't be a big deal :) But hey, Italy is like 40 pounds away! Just pop on over to Rome for a bit of pasta and Mediterranean sun, right?
Well, off to write President. Have a fantastic week, and I can't wait to hear from you soon!
Love from,
Sister Willard

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